Hi guys! I hope you're having a glorious weekend because I have good news!
Valentine's Day and Dragobete are just a week away and Tshirt Factory gracefully offered to sponsor a "love" giveaway here on my blog.
We're gonna have 3 winners who get the chance to win cute/funny/romantic tshirts for them and their Valentine!
All you have to do for a chance to win is (all 3 conditions are mandatory):
♥ Like Tshirt Factory and Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
♥ Choose your favorite tshirt and leave a comment with the link (and make sure to leave an email so that I can contact you)
For extrachances to win you can also (these are not mandatory and each one will count as an extra entry):
♥ Share the giveaway on facebook with @Tshirt Factory.ro and @pop culture tags
♥ Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC, Tumblr and/or Pinterest (mention which of them in a comment so that I can check and count them as extra entries).
Dragilor, incepem weekendul cu un giveaway sponsorizat de Tshirt Factory si care va avea nu unul, ci 3 castigatori. Veti avea ocazia sa castigati tricouri romantice sau amuzante pentru voi si cei pe care ii iubiti pentru Dragobete si Valentine's Day.
Pentru a participa este suficient sa (toate cele 3 conditii de mai jos sunt absolut necesare) :
♥ Lasati un comentariu la acest articol in care sa ne spuneti care este tricoul vostru preferat de pe Tshirt Factory (nu uitati de adresa de email ca sa va putem contacta)
Pentru sanse suplimentare de a castiga puteti sa:
♥ Share (sa puneti link) acestui articol cu giveaway-ul pe peretele vostru de Facebook cu taguri pt @Tshirt Factory.ro si @pop culture
♥ Urmariti Pop Culture pe Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC, Tumblr sau/si Pinterest (mentionati in comentariu care ca sa pot verifica si adauga ca inscrieri suplimentare).
The giveaway ends February 17. The winners will be sorted out randomly. This is an international giveaway – anybody can join in!
The Winners
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Tshirt Factory! I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
…and the winners are...
No. 98 - that's Clare Lang! Congratulations!!!
The Winners
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Tshirt Factory! I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
…and the winners are...
No. 98 - that's Clare Lang! Congratulations!!!
No. 43 - that's iulika_ct! Congratulations!!!
No. 80 - that's Ann Railey! Congratulations!!!
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