I’m starting a new column on this blog (Makeup&Beauty) and it’s all because of you. I’m always happy to get your emails and comments with feedback, questions, ideas and suggestions so keep on sending them this way.
I always wanted to experiment a little more with my makeup and daily beauty routine so this is an excellent excuse to just do it. Don’t expect this to be the work of an expert, it going to be more of a reality show of someone who only knows the basics and wants to get creative in spite of that.
Take this first look I wanted to show you - it’s a play on a classic eyeliner makeup and you can recreate it in 5 minutes tops. The star of the show is the hot pink eyeliner applied under the eye in a thick line and accentuated with black kohl. The lid is even simpler: just one color (a very subtle gold) with a lighter shade in the corner of the eye. A bit of blush, black mascara, a nude lipstick and you’re ready to go!
I listed the products I used below, but you can basically use anything you have around in your makeup bag. I hope you like it!
Feel free to write us anytime!
The crazy eyes are my trademark so you'll see plenty of them in the new column!
In mod absolut surprinzator primesc o multime de emailuri si intrebari legate de modul in care ma machiez! Din acest motiv am decis sa inaugurez si o rubrica de makeup si beauty pe blog – nu stiu inca de cate ori pe luna o sa scriu despre aceste subiecte, dar o sa o fac constant si o sa incep cu articolul de fata.
Nu sunt experta in machiaj, nici macar intens pasionata, dar stiu suficient de multe incat sa ma pot aranja singura si sa arat ok.
Cu siguranta veti gasi bloggeri care scriu exclusiv despre machiaj si beauty si o fac mai bine decat mine si la un nivel de executie si originalitate mai mare decat o pot face eu (cu machiaje creative si complicate, tutoriale amanuntite, multe review-uri), dar pentru ca exista interes sunt fericita sa impart cu voi ceea ce stiu eu.
Practic ceea ce propun sunt idei care pot fi aplicate in 5-10 minute, cu usurinta si fara sa fie nevoie de indemanare iesita din comun.
In plus mi-am propus sa fiu mai creativa cu partea de makeup si cred ca asta este o ocazie excelenta sa fac acest lucru.
Cum tusul este unul dintre putinele lucuri de care nu ma pot desparti m-am gandit ca ar fi potrivit sa va arat o variatie pe aceasta tema: un machiaj cu tus roz intens aplicat jos in linie groasa, accentuat cu creion khol in interior si o pleoapa simpla acoperita cu fard intr-o sigura culoare (si fard alb-auriu aplicat in coltul ochiului pentru a lumina privirea). Cam asta este tot – aplicati, rimel, putin fard de obraz, pudra iluminatoare si un ruj nude si sunteti gata.
In rest ne puteti scrie orice pe adresa fashionmagicsara@yahoo.com !
O sa listez produsele pe care le-am folosit eu, insa puteti reface mchiajul cu ce aveti voi in trusa personala – puteti folosi culori apropiate si va incurajez sa experimentati si cu alte culori de tus. Mi-ar face placere daca ati trimite fotografii in cazul in care l-ati incercat intr-o zi in care doreati ceva putin diferit, dar extrem de usor de realizat.
The products I used / Produsele folosite:
Garnier B.B Cream Miracle Skin Perfecter (Light)
Jillian Dempsey Avon blush
Wet n' Wild Mega Glo illuminating powder (catwalk pink)
W7 hot pink eyeliner
Loreal Lash Architect mascara
Black kohl pen (Avon)
Maybelline Silk glam Eye Studio quad eye shadow (give me gold) - first color used
Gold eye shadow powder - random brand
Elite professional brushes
I forgot to add the lipstick I used in the picture (next time) - but it was a Dior Addict lipstick (Nude)
I hope you like it! Any thoughts?
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