Ceremonia de premiere UNESCO – „L`oreal Pentru Femeile din Stiinta” la care am fost saptamana trecuta este cu siguranta in varful listei evenimentelor care inspira si conteaza. Editia de anul acesta este cea de-a doua la care particip si este de departe in top 3 al celor mai reusite evenimente la care am fost invitata.
Ideea din spatele ceremoniei este aceea de a incuraja si sustine tinerele cercetatoare din Romania in activitatile de cercetare din domeniul in care lucreaza. Acest program a fost primul prin care activitatea femeilor cercetator a fost recunoascuta la nivel national si international prin acordarea unor premii.
In fiecare an sunt desemnate doua castigatoare care primesc doua burse pentru derularea unor proiecte in domeniul stiintei. Castigatoarele de anul acesta au fost Edina Rusen in Sectiunea Stiintele Fizice cu proiectul „Cristale fotonice cu aplicatii laser” si Cornelia Braicu in Sectiunea Stiintele Vietii cu proiectul „Combinarea efectului chimioterapeutic al doxorubicinei cu terapia tintita cu ARN de interferinta in tratamentul cancerului de san triplu negativ”.
Din pacate traim intr-o lume atat de superficiala incat este usor sa uitam ca multe dintre lucrurile pe care punem atat de mult pret de obicei sunt total nesemnificative. Un astfel de eveniment iti aminteste de lucrurile cu adevarat importante. Ma bucur mult ca aceste doamne au primit o partea din recunoastea pe care o merita. Sper ca bursele primite sa le ajute sa isi dezvolte si mai mult proiectele. Sper de asemenea ca acest eveniment sa capete cat mai multa notorietate.
Mi-a placut, de asemenea, foarte mult locul de desfasurare al evenimentului: Palatul Parlamentului. Cu toate ca am mai fost acolo, este prima vizita in Foaierul Salii de Plen a Senatului. Toate detaliile decorative au fost perfecte: de la candelabre, la decorul tavanului si al peretilor pana la usile gigantice - a fost cu adevarat o atmosfera de gala.
In comparatie cu acesta imi dau seama ca o parte din evenimentele la care primesc invitatii nu sunt decat niste scuze nereusite pe care foarte multe persoane le folosesc pentru a se afisa ostentativ in fata „audientei”. Sincera sa fiu sunt satula de comportamentul anumitor persoane care considera ca atitudinea sfidatoare, proasta crestere si lipsa de maniere este o dovada a superioritatii.
Daca ati putea sa va vedeti din perspectiva audientei ati realiza singure ca barfele rautacioase, autosuficienta si comentariile nefondate nu sunt altceva decat artificii care lasa vederii, dincolo de toate tinutele reusite, cum sunteti de fapt sub toata poleiala superficialitatii de care va agatati ca de o virtute!
Trecand insa peste asta, sper ca initiativa L`Oreal, Unesco si ANCS sa continue si sa se bucure de cat mai multa expunere pentru ca lumea are nevoie de stiinta si stiinta are nevoie de femei.
Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to a wonderful event - L`Oreal for Women in Science. This is my second time around attending and it just keeps getting better and better every year.
L`Oreal, Unesco and ANCS are celebrating women that have great achievements in the field of science and are encouraging more women to start research projects in their field of expertise. Every year (this is the fourth edition in Romania) two winners are awarded with grants that are going to support their future research.
I think that the following words summarize better than I could ever do the essence of this gala: “The world needs science and science needs women.” The truth is that in today’s world it’s really easy to forget the truly meaningful things in life. Our environment is so focused on the superficial that most of the time our eyes and minds are blinded by all the shinny stuff and we forget that some things are bigger and better than we give them credit.
It was amazing and inspirational to see these young and smart women get the recognition they deserve. I just wish this event would have a greater impact and a larger audience in our society.
This year’s winners were Cornelia Braicu in the Science of Life category and Edina Rusen in the Physical Science category. They both have amazing projects that deserve to get more funding to help their development.
I’m glad to support such a positive and heartfelt initiative and was honored to receive the invitation.
I also loved the location of the event, The Palace of Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului). The amazing chandeliers, the ceiling, the columns, the doors, they all created this grand, refined atmosphere that I very much enjoyed.
In comparison some of the events I’m invited to are just lame excuses for people to show off. If you attended at least one of those you probably know what I’m talking about: underneath all the glam and glitz some parties are nothing more than a chance to show off your new clothes, to make silly conversations with people that you don’t really know or even like, to gossip about other guests, to avoid eye contact, because, let’s face it, most people are so beneath you, to pass out judgments without knowing anything, to arrogantly look around but most importantly, to look pretty! And yes, the so called “fashion world” it's not as friendly as you might believe - more on the lines of a bunch of superficial, undereducated, but beautiful group that couldn’t care less about anything else except themselves.
That being said I hope that L`Oreal, Unesco and ANCS keep organizing this lovely event and that more people start paying attention to it.
I’m wearing:
dress / rochie - H&M
bag / geanta - Debenhams
shoes / pantofi - New Look
snake bracelet / bratara sarpe - random brand
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