I just wanted to show you my latest acquisitions when it comes to jewelry. The obsession lives on and has spread to cover not only rings but pretty much everything else.
I have quite a collection but I can't ever say no to a beautiful new piece (or ten). I also got a colorful makeup palette and an awesome set of pink brushes!
Everything is from Romwe, I will try and give the individual links for the products that are still available on the site. They have lost of amazing stuff lately especially when it comes to bling!
I don't really know how to use all of these brushes but they look so pretty I had to had them!
This necklaces are sold out, but they have lots of other wonderful pieces!
Cateva cititoare m-au rugat sa scriu despre colectia mea de bijuterii. E bine, incepem cu o trecere in revista a ultimelor achizitii in acest departament. Cred ca stiti ca bijuteriile si accesoriile in general sunt marea mea slabiciune.
La inceput am avut perioade in care eram obsedata de inele, apoi de cercei si coliere pentru ca acum "problema" sa se extinda asupra tuturor categoriilor. Am deja o colectie serioasa, dar tot nu ma dau inapoi cand imi place ceva in mod special.
Tot ce vedeti on poze este de la Romwe - au o selectie foarte reusita in ultimul timp, multe dintre piese concureaza cu cele de la Asos sau Zara, dar sunt mai ieftine.
tiger earrings
Habar nu am cum sa folosesc o parte din pensule (sau pt ce sunt exact), dar sunt atat de dragute incat merg si pt decor!
24 make-up brush set
You might have noticed gold and rhinestones are something I'm into lately!
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