These last few weeks I tried doing it all – working two jobs, getting out a bit, exercising, blogging but it’s been pretty hard. I mean, it can be done by sleeping less than 5 hours a night, but it’s not something you can do long therm. So I decided to give myself a break, enjoy a Sunday in the sun with my friend Laura before her moving to Berlin for a while and just take it easy for a few hours.
This outfit was created around the wonderful Wonder Woman clutch signed by La Muse Chic. Saying I love it would be an understatement since it’s one of those pieces that’s not only beautiful and functional, but actually says something about me.
It speaks about how I don’t take this fashion business too seriously, how clothes are meant to make you feel good about yourself, about my obsession for comic books and superheroes, how I would rather watch TV shows and eat ice cream than go shopping, about how I have this Pinterest Board dedicated to the superheroes ways that I update all the time cause that’s how cheesy I am.
When it comes to sunglasses the pair I have on is the perfect shape for my face and I just love the gold metallic details that class things up.
You might also ask yourself where can one find a crazy “look at my b***s" bustier like mine – well, I added the big blue sequins myself back when I had free time. I miss my DIY projects a lot! Good times!
Linda Carter as Wonder Woman - the ultimate superheroine crush!
In ultimele saptamani am incercat sa le fac pe toate: slujba full time si cea part time, articole pe blog, intalniri cu prietenii, chiar si putina miscare, dar a fost epuizant. Este realizabil in conditiile in care renunti la a dormi mai mult de 5 ore pe noapte in timpul saptamanii, dar cu siguranta nu este o solutie pe termen lung.
Duminica am decis sa imi acord o pauza si sa petrec cateva ore cu prietena mea Laura inainte sa se multe la Berlin pentru o vreme. Partea prosta este ca o sa-mi lipseasca, dar prefer sa ma gandesc la partea buna – o sa merg sa o vizitez cat de curand.
Ceea ce port a fost inspirat de plicul Wonder Woman de la La Muse Chic. Sa zic ca-mi place nu ar fi suficient – este una dintre acele piese care nu sunt doar frumoase si functionale, dar care spun si ceva despre cum esti tu.
Despre mine zice ca-mi plac mult benzile desenate, ca nu iau moda prea in serios, ca ma imbrac numai cu haine care ma inveselesc, ca am un panou dedicatsupereroilor pe Pinterest pe care il actualizez mult prea des, ca ideea mea de distractie este un maraton de seriale TV cu o galeata de inghetata in brate.
Mi-a fost destul de greu sa aleg ceva, intre magazinul online La Muse Chic si pagina de Facebook o sa vedeti atat de multe genti si accesorii frumoase incat decizia de a te opri la cateva favorite devine imposibila. Punctul forte sta in imprimeurile fantastice pe bumbac pe care Madalina le foloseste pentru creatiile ei – majoritatea de inspiratie retro si extrem de colorate.
Ochelarii sunt preferatii meu pentru ca au forma perfecta si rame cu detalii metalice! Bustiera era simpla, dar i-am adaugat eu paiete albastre in zona bustului in vremurile in care aveam timp pentru astfel de proiecte. Good times!!!
Detail with the print of the clutch!
sandals / sandale - random brand
skirt, belt/ fusta, curea - vintage
skirt, belt/ fusta, curea - vintage
sequins bustier / bustiera - random brand (modified by me)
bracelets / bratari - H&M
sunglasses / ochelari - Romwe
necklace /colier - Romwe
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