No matter how many dresses I’m going to get in the future, this one will always be one of my favorites. It’s such a classic without being boring – oh, no, cause it’s hot pink and has pleats and I can twirl in it like a crazy person and my ass will not even show. Not that I would ever do that – I’m a very dignified lady and such gestures are not in my nature.:))))
The bag I just got – it’s actually from a Romanian store with lots of beautiful purses, totes and clutches. So much so that I had a very hard time choosing, but I love it to bits – that’s why I wore it with items that I adore; I believe a great bag deserves good company.
Nu stiu daca va mai amintiti rochia fucsia, dar este una dintrele comorile mele vintage si asa va ramane, indiferent cat de multe alte rochii o sa colectionez in viitor. Si nu ma amagesc ca vor fi putine!
De fiecare data cand o port este o ocazie speciala – in general cand am ceva nou care-mi place mult. Si in acest caz vorbesc despre geanta – tocmai am primit-o si-i dintr-un magazin romanesc cu genti din piele naturala si sintetica. Mi-a fost super greu sa aleg si chiar si acum am unele indoieli, sunt super multe modele superbe.
Am decis sa o iau pe aceasta din cauza culorii si formei speciale (si nu regret pentru ca deja nu mai este in stoc), dar mai sunt cateva genti care ma tenteaza extrem de tare: aceasta pentru ca-i clasica si nu s-ar demoda niciodata si aceasta pt ca-i roz si adorabila, vine primavara si eu am mintea si inima unei adolescente de 17 ani. Not to mention the body and face of a teenager too!:))))) Sigur o sa o vedeti des de acum incolo – in general port in nestire tot ce-mi place in mod special din garderoba mea si ignor restul pana imi trece pasiunea.
Pictures by Costin!
I’m wearing:ankle boots / botine - random brand
bag/ geanta -
pleated dress/ rochie - vintage
leather sleeves cardigan / cardigan maneci piele - here
belt, fur collar, brooch / curea, guler blana, brosa -vintage
ring / inel - not sure (H&M?)
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